Silver Ion Steriliser

Silver Ion Steriliser
For fresh water disinfection

Sterilizing drinking water with silver is a very old method and has been adopted frequently in many parts of the world. As a matter of fact, this method goes back to antiquity.

Disinfection of water by dosing silver ions into water is completely harmless to human as well as animals. The amount of silver ions in the disinfected water is well below the maximum amount stated e.g. in the directives issued by the WHO.

Silver ions do not change the taste, smell or colour of the water. Nor do they effect the physical and chemical properties of the water. The silver ions only kill off bacteria, germs, algae etc.


JOWA Ag-S is well-known to the shipping industry. Many thousands of ships have had it installed onboard since its introduction in 1970. Due to its simple design and high quality, the first installed units are still in operation, only periodical replacement of the electrode is needed.

The JOWA Ag-S comes as one unit ready to be fitted onto the bulkhead. It consists of an electronic cabinet, an electrode chamber with two shut-off valves, a flow setting valve and a pressure gauge. All these parts are mounted on a common electropolished stainless steel base plate. A flow switch is also installed.

Main Features

  • Sterilizing capacity max. 15 m³/h
  • Compact design
  • Long lasting residual disinfection
  • No change to taste, smell or colour of water
  • No change to physical or chemical properties of water
  • Easy to change electrodes

UV Steriliser

UV Steriliser
Clean fresh water

It is equipped with low pressure UV-lamps, powered by electronic high frequency ballasts, for highest efficiency and lowest power consumption.


The sterilization process is microprocessor-controlled via data from the UV-sensor. The intelligent lamp monitoring system will, in case of any lamp failure, inform the user of this occurrence as well as the location of the broken lamp.

The hour meter tells the user to change lamps when the limit of its using time is reached.

All necessary data is available in a display window on the control cabinet.

Flow capacity
Maximum flow at different water qualities (m³/h). Normally the Max/Min capacity of a UV-unit is chosen between T50=90% down to T50=60%.

Dosing and Chlorinating Unit

Dosing & Chlorinating Unit
Separates up to 80% of the water in the emulsion

The dosing/chlorinating unit is meant to dose a chemical into water. The chemicals can be chlorine for fresh water systems, corrosion inhibitors for main engine cooling water, pH adjustment of fresh water etc.

The unit consists of a dosing pump, a control cabinet, an injection valve and a container for the chemical. The container is equipped with a low-level alarm which stops the pump in case chemical runs out, a suction valve and a manual agitator. All components are mounted on a stable steel frame for easy installation.


The most common application is that the dosing unit is being used to prechlorinate or pH-adjust fresh water, prechlorinate evaporated water or bunker water, on its way to fresh water holding tank, and to rechlorinate water before it is distributed. The prechlorination systems are normally controlled by flow meters in bunker water flow line and evaporated water flow line respectively. This ensures enough chlorine dosed into the actual water flow in the water line proportionately.

Main Features

  • Corrosion Inhibits Chemical for Main Engine Cooling Water
  • pH-adjust Water
  • Chlorinate Fresh Water
  • Easy Installation and Operation
Dosing and Chlorinating Unit Design

Fresh Water Filter

Fresh Water Filter
Filters for various water treatmentsJOWA F/2Rehardening/pH-adjusting filter for potable water systems equipped with fresh water generators.

JOWA F/R Sand filter to remove solid particles in most water systems.

JOWA F/L Dechlorination / activated carbon filter for improvement of taste and smell in fresh water system.


The dosing/chlorinating unit is meant to dose a chemical into water. The chemicals can be chlorine for fresh water systems, corrosion inhibitors for main engine cooling water, pH adjustment of fresh water etc.

The unit consists of a dosing pump, a control cabinet, an injection valve and a container for the chemical. The container is equipped with a low-level alarm which stops the pump in case chemical runs out, a suction valve and a manual agitator. All components are mounted on a stable steel frame for easy installation.

The most common application is that the dosing unit is being used to prechlorinate or pH-adjust fresh water, prechlorinate evaporated water or bunker water, on its way to fresh water holding tank, and to rechlorinate water before it is distributed. The prechlorination systems are normally controlled by flow meters in bunker water flow line and evaporated water flow line respectively. This ensures enough chlorine dosed into the actual water flow in the water line proportionately.

Main Features

  • Corrosion Inhibits Chemical for Main Engine Cooling Water
  • pH-adjust Water
  • Chlorinate Fresh Water
  • Easy Installation and Operation

Hydrophore & Calorifier

Hydrophore & Calorifier
Efficient and Durable

JOWA produces a wide variety of hydrophore or pressure boosting units for ship and offshore use. Pressure vessels, circulation pumps and other equipment can be provided separately or as complete, ready-mounted units with pump, control cabinet piping and valves. The tanks are made of stainless steel 316L.


JOWA Calorifiers are among the most efficient and durable on the market, with customers spreading throughout Europe and Asia. The equipment can be adopted to suit different needs of customers. A variety of standard sizes from 100L to 3000L are available. Our products come ready-connected with control cabinet, heating elements and thermostats. Alternative heating sources and circulation or pressure boosting pumps can also be provided.

Main Features

  • Stainless steel design
  • Special size on request
  • C/W control cabinets

FWU - Fresh Water Unit

FWU - Fresh Water Unit
Custom-made unit

JOWA Fresh Water Units are specially designed for the offshore and marine market.


They consist of all necessary equipment for fresh and hot water supply, such as:

  • Calorifiers
  • Hydrophores
  • Filters for various applications
  • Pumps for pressurizing and hot water circulation
  • UV-sterilizer, silver ion sterilizer or chlorination
  • Control cabinet

STP 2010 - JOWA Sewage Treatment Plant

STP 2010 - JOWA Sewage Treatment Plant

The JOWA STP 2010 series Sewage Treatment plants are approved for operation onboard ships in accordance with IMO MEPC.159(55) and meet all the requirements in Marpol 73/78 annex IV.

The unit runs automatically with no operator attendance. It can be fed by gravity or a fully integrated vacuum unit can be fitted as an option. The unit’s bioreactor ensures optimum biological treatment with no offensive odours produced.


JOWA Calorifiers are among the most efficient and durable on the market, with customers spreading throughout Europe and Asia. The equipment can be adopted to suit different needs of customers. A variety of standard sizes from 100L to 3000L are available. Our products come ready-connected with control cabinet, heating elements and thermostats. Alternative heating sources and circulation or pressure boosting pumps can also be provided.

Main Features

  • Stainless steel design
  • Special size on request
  • C/W control cabinets

Jowa Hellas Ltd
Konstantinou Metaxa 14 Str.
174 55 Alimos
Athens GR

Tel: (+30) 210.9932 011
Fax: (+30) 211 8005 692

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